Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Last of Spring Break!

Blogger started cooperating with me! :) Here are a few more pics from our spring break trip!

Jackson and Mallie making sand castles Hanging out in the hot tub!
Jackson LOVES to build!
**I love this beach bc of the trees ~ how pretty is that!?!?

I bought them these mickey swimsuits that matched in HOPES that we would be able to go on a Disney cruise one day! MDD's was too big ~ it looks like she has boobs! ha! Hopefully it will fit when we DO go on a cruise! ;)

Icy water does not stop my 2!!!
Sweet Friends on the beach!
Jackson and "boom boom" as he calls her! :) I think they like each other! ;)
Me and sweet Sallie Ann ~ oh how I love this child ~ I mean ~ lady! She is 22 now! Makes me feel OLD! She 1st kept MD when she 15 and could not drive ~ we have watched her grow up into a beautiful young woman and we love her like she is ours!!!

My SWEET precious husband bought me a treadmill!!! I have not been able to run much since my running buddy got a job ~ We used a sitter at her house and since I live so far from the sitter, there is no one to watch my kids afterschool while I run! Not to mention, it is getting a weeee bit warm outside and while I LOVE the summer ~ I don't like to run in the sun! :) I have been able to run 2 days in a row afterschool and I am so thankful!!! It may not seem like a big deal ~ but 30 mins to work off some stress is a treat for me! Thanks D! :)

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