Monday, April 11, 2011

Picture Issues ~

I STILL cannot get my picturesto upload! :(

I had to do these ONE AT A TIME! That's why there are only a few!

LOVE this picture ~ don't they look SO happy! Oh to be 5 and 6 again! ;) This is Jackson's "I am telling face!" LOVE it! Mary D. had made a MESS with her ice cream and he was letting me know! ha!
Priss is getting SO big!
These are from the Sea Turtle Hospital ~ each person got a card and rotated thru stations and got stamps to determine where you were born, your sex, where you migrated, how long you lived, etc. VERY neat!
Here they are peering thru the hospital viewing glass ~ JDD was in AWE! He LOVED it! :)

Going back to work/school today was not as bad as I thought! MDD and Jackson have 29 days left! Summer will be here before we know it! I am playing bunko tonight with a great group of ladies so have been busy making lunches, getting hw done, and other things so I can enjoy my time tonight! :) I will try again later to upload more pics!

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