Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a GREAT time we had! :)

We are back from the beach and an awesome weekend at our cabin! We had the BEST time! For some reason, Blogger won't upload my pics, so I will attempt it again later this week.

We enjoyed the beach SO much! I could sit on the beach ALL day!

My friend, Shana, and her girls met us down there and that was PERFECT! The kids played and we sat, talked and read! HEAVENLY BLISS I TELL YOU! :)


On Friday, we went to the beach early that morning, then had lunch and headed to the Sea Turtle Hospital. I have been wanting to take a field trip there with my class and now I REALLY want to! It was SO neat! When we got in the car, Jackson said, "That was so, so, so, so, so COOL! When I grow up, I am going to be an elf AND a turtle doctor!" ;)


We got home about 6 and headed straight to the cabin! Dalton cooked pork chops and Sallie Ann joined us for dinner ~ Saturday morning, we slept in and then Dalton cooked us the BEST breakfast and Big Daddy came to eat with us! Last night, we went to Augusta and beat the Master's crowd for an early dinner at The Chop House ~ yummy! Mary Dalton ordered ribs and ate EVERY SINGLE BITE ~ she LOVES them! We then stopped at the Sleep Number store to get Dalton a new pillow. I washed his and ruined it (VERY sore topic!) and he has not slept well since. They had BOGO half off, so I lucked up and got an AWESOME body pillow! LOVE it!


Today is our last day of spring break, but I got up EARLY to make it count! After church, we are getting in the pool and having some friends over to play ~ can't wait! I am now on


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