Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cook Out & Recipe ~

Last night, I had the senior class over for dinner ~

Jackson entertained them with a magic show! ;)

I must say that every year it gets harder and harder on me when my seniors graduate!

Our school is so small, so I truly watch these kids "grow up."

This years group is one of my favorite classes EVER in my teaching career.

They are just precious!

We gave the girls' their gifts ~ the poor boys got nothing ~ have not had time to go to Augusta to find them a good gift! I gave each girl a necklace that says,

"Pretty is as pretty does"

These girls are drop dead gorgeous ~ all of them ~ and they are just as pretty on the inside!

(and the boys were in the "man cave" with Dalton!)

My sweet girls all grown up and ready for college (sniff, sniff) ~
We enjoyed having them over so much and we look forward to hearing about all their accomplishments! I pray that Mary Dalton will have a group of sweet, Christian girlfriends like this group to grow up with. This sweet group has suffered the loss of parents, divorce, boy drama, health scares, family problems, school issues, etc. but it is so encouraging to me how well they handle themselves and support one another.
Good Luck Ladies! :)

I hosted bunko on monday at our house and was asked to post this recipe ~ as always, it is EASY and really yummy! :) Enjoy!

Tomato Bake

1 pint cherry tomatoes, diced
8 oz feta, crumbled
4-5 TBSP olive oil
1 jar of capers, drained
1/2 c green onion, chopped
8 oz black olives, diced
2 tbsp Italain seasoning
*I added fresh basil and oreagno

**Mix together, bake at 350 for 20-30 mins serve hot with pita chips


With all the ruckus lately, my 2 are BEYOND exhausted! They had choir today and we got home at 5 and they were bathed and fed by 6 ~ We have another busy weekend ahead of us so we must get some rest or Mommy may lose it at any given second! ;)

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