Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our Week-"end" in pics ~

We had a great week and are excited about summer! :)

Dalton has been out of town for a few days, so we have been pretty low key ~ ya know...cereal for all 3 meals, no showers, no make up, not even cranking the car...nice!!! He will be home tomorrow and we can't wait to see him! :)

Mary Dalton had a friend over this week for a little while ~

Dress up fun!

(that wig is freaking me out!!!)

How cute is this??? I LOVE a notepad and one of my sweet senior girls gave me this!

LOVE it and I think of her each time I see it on my kitchen counter! :)

Mary Dalton all ready for school~ K5 is wrapping up...hard to believe I am going to have a FIRST GRADER!!!

I have said a 10o times, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE working at their school!
I went to the gym on Friday to get a sneek peek at their graduation program!

They were SO cute!

Cathy (the guidance counselor and one of my best friends) and I were doing the robot while they were sining....Mary D was MORTIFIED! She kept putting her hand up like "stop" which meant, "keep it up mom" to me! ha!
I asked her was if I embarassed her and she said,

"It's not your dancing, it was that of all the moves you know, you did the robot...really? That's all you could do?"

I also made a pit stop by K4 and got to watch Jackson and his sweet class doing some fingerpainting!

And before we were out of the parking lot at school, he was OUT!

These longer days are giving us summer fever and it's sooo hard to get in bed as early as they should! Only 5 more days til summer!

It was supposed to rain today, but it held off until 4!

We were able to swim most of the day!

Both children have swimming parties with their classes this week ~

Mary Dalton's is at our house ~

That means TWO days off for mommy this week, plus my parents are coming!!!
I haven't seen my daddy since Christmas so I am sooo excited!

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