Monday, May 16, 2011

Not Me Monday ~

1.) I did not over sleep and get to work at 8:00 ~ nope, not me!
2.) I did not take my class to tour the county jail and then find myself wanting to pray for every inmate there, as well as take the teens home with me.
3.) I did not read my will and testaments to my senior class and tell them goodbye without shedding a tear.
4.) I TOTALLY did not cry after a child made a mistake at school today....a costly mistake...(I must say, I DO love these children like my own ~ when I they fail or fall if SOOO breaks my heart...not to mention, I have a weeeeee touch of PMS!)
5.) I did not lock my keys in my car at school ~ 20 mins from home.
6.) I SOOO did not hitch a ride home and then realize that I had NO key to get in with.
7.) I certainly did not call the housekeeper to come let me in ~ yep...gotta give her a bonus this week! ;)
8.) I wish I could say I did not spend 45 mins on my hands and knees cleaning up the bathroom floor ~ I won't even go there....
9.) I did not gain 2 loads of laundry from what went down in #8...
10.) I did not eat 2 bags of animal crackers, fritoes and a brownie to relieve my stress...

THAT was my Monday ~ I am so thankful for new days and new beginnings! Is it bad that I am ready to go to bed so I can start fresh tomorrow? I am so thankful that God gives us second (and third, and fourth, etc) chances! I am going to make the most of what is left of Monday and I WILL make Tuesday be a better day!!! :) Not going to complain ~ nope....not me! :)


Unknown said...

We might be more than "cousins"! We are kindred spirits. This sounds like a typical day for me!!

Home of a Magnolia said...

At least it happened all on the same day. I can really relate to wanting to help the youngsters in our community. You know I come in contact with children everyday that have made or will make mistakes. Just like those episodes if SuperNanny-you wonder what these parents are thinking. Pray, pray, pray for these children for no matter what the home life they all make mistakes. Laugh off the rest and hope you have a great rest of the week.

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