Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I think I can!!!

So...today was better than yesterday! Woohoo! AND ~ tomorrow is MY Friday so things are looking up! ;)

Mary Dalton got to make a trip to the AR store today! She came in my classroom and was soooo excited she had almost 50 points so she was able to buy Jackson some things too! HOW sweet is that??? She bought them each a bookmark, poster, and candy. She was more excited to give him his gifts than she was about her own things.

I pray my sweet girl will always have a giving heart and think of others!

Sunday was their choir program ~ they had to wear work out attire because of the race theme ~

I sent Jackson to get dressed....He was looking like "hot stuff" in these socks! ha!

(I did make him change!)

LOVE this picture! I asked the kids to show me their race poses and this is what I got! ha! Mary Dalton was woking it! ;)
MDD did a great job on her solo ~ the program was super cute, but my 2 kept yawning the whole time...May is wearing us OUT!

Sunny brought her kittens home and we enjoyed playing with them!

(They are gone today though ~ not sure if she moved them again or if they are dead??? hmmm...)

I REALLY don't like cats ~ this one just showed up and that's why we have it, but I thought that this was precious! She has her paws holding her babies...awwwww

Jackson is so proud of his box he made for the "clittens" ~ yes, we have laughed and laughed about his spelling! LOTS of jokes there! ;) They are even using the door he cut in the box for them!

How grown does she look??? suz bought her this "teddy duncan" outfit from target and she wore it on Monday! Be still my heart ~ she is growing up way too fast!

She took these 3 dolls to school with her ~ she looks like octo-mom! ;)

Somehow this got out of order??? But anyway ~ this is jackson showing off his poster MDD got him from the AR store!

today was my seniors last day! I don't why I am an emotional wreck right now (freaking hormones!) but I wanted to cry all day! I have watched them grow up and love them each so much! I am so proud of them, but at the same time realize how QUICKLY they grew up and know my 2 will do the same! Makes me want to hold them a little longer, swing them a little higher, give in to that extra bedtime story or ice cream before bed...because before I know it ~ they will be all grown up....

think I'll go now and play outside for awhile (ya know...while they still think I am cool!) ;)

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