Monday, May 2, 2011

Strawberry Picking and Countdown!

Saturday afternoon, the kids and I left the farm and headed to pick strawberries.

There is nothing better than warm berries right off the vine!

When we pulled up, Jackson realized he left his shoes at the cabin ~

SO ~

he wore mine and I looked like white trash and was barefoot in the strawberry field! ;)

I think that they ate 2x as many as they picked! Good thing the owners are friends of ours and love our children! ;)

You can tell from this pic ~ MDD was in HEAVEN! :)

doesn't priss look so much like a 1st grader??? Oh my ~ this year has FLOWN by!

I am looking forward to spending lots of lazy days with them this summer!

Jax is sporting the "John Travolta" curl in this pic! ha! He is all into "fixing" his own hair....
yall know that this does not really work well with me and OCD! ;)

He comes out of the bathroom with his hair all slicked back, over, sideways, etc. He looks like a used car salesman ~ and then I have to "fix" it! Oh the joys! ;)

Mary Dalton is really into calling my mama lately. She will call and talk and talk and talk and talk...and my mama just listens! I think Mary D. read her no less than 8 books on the phone the other night. I was cleaning up the dining room and found this "countdown" sheet she made ~ how SWEET is that?!?! (not to mention something like I would TOTALLY do!) She is so excited that Nana and Pawpaw are coming for her K5 graduation! ~ and her mommy is pretty excited, too! :)

Our upstairs AC unit DIED last week, so the kids are camping out in the sun room. I brought the twin mattresses down off of the bunk beds and set them up in the sun room for them. They are having a BLAST sleeping in there ~ I hear them giggling and whispering for what seems like hours after I put them to "bed." I have a feeling these next few weeks should get pretty interesting! ;)

Our neighbor stopped by tonight to tell us he found the kittens! He thinks that there are 3 of them ~ the kids are going to be SOOOO excited tomorrow when we tell them!

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