Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Three Little Kittens ~

Monday night, our neighbor stopped by to let us know that our kittens were at his house.

They were under a tarp that had cinderblocks on top of it ~ Sunny picked a GREAT place to have these babies ~ WE could hardly find them!

The kids were SOOOO excited after school on Tuesday when we got to go find them! Mary Dalton made this box at school and thought it would be perfect for the kittens!

Soooo HAPPY!

When we got there, there was only one kitten ~ Can you tell Mary Dalton was a weee bit smitten with the kitten! ;)

We took the one home unsure of where the others were ~

I told the kids if they saw Sunny to come get me.

About 20 mins later, they spotted Sunny and she was NOT happy that her baby had been moved!

Animal instincts are amazing to me. Just a "God thing" that we as mother know how to care for our babies and children. Sunny grabbed her up and we watched as she moved her into a old hollow tree. Her other babies had already been moved. I peeked in on them on Wednesday and all 3 were still there nursing and doing well! Not to be outdone ~ Jackson made this box with a door for the "cittens" :)

Jackson was REALLY into the whole nursing thing with the kittens.

"How does milk come out of her boobies?"

"It just does, God makes Mommies, all Mommies able to feed their babies."

"Even people?"


"Did I drink out of your boobies?"

"no, you had a bottle"

"Thank goodness ~ that's gross!" ha!!! :)

Tomorrow is Honor's Day at school and Mary Dalton is SOOO excited! I am home today with Jackson who is sick and I am keeping my fingers crossed we all stay well! She would be SO upset if she had to miss her special day!

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