Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sweet Friends ~

We had a pretty low key morning today. We took 2 casseroles to a friend who had sugery, went to the hardware store and had lunch at McDonalds. I am SO excited that after 3 years of living in our house, that the last room is getting painted! The guest room and guest bath will be painted this weekend ~ woohoo!!!! After lunch, we had some friends over to swim!

Above ~ mary dalton & whitney sue

Below ~ sydney clair & jackson
They swam for about 4 hours, so they should sleep GOOD tonight!!!
LOVE this picture ~ it so shows their personalities SO much! :)

We LOVE summer!!!!

After our friends went home, we went to McDonalds to get a Rolo Mcflurry ~ let me say ~



I have also realized that people under 22 do not know what Rolos are!!!! I knew that this generation was missing all the good stuff!!! Sallie had never eaten one and neither had 2 other girls I know. They also have never eaten a Zero bar...that's another classic!!!

These kids are missing out! ;)

I am getting into "School mode" ~ I start back with the last session of summer school on Monday, so this is my last week at home. I am actually ready to get back to work and see my students! I am ready to be back in a rountine and have a schedule ~ we ALL function better that way at our house! I have heard several teachers say or comment on FB that they are not ready to go back to work. I have to admit, 1 week ago, I was not ready either, but with each passing day I am more and more ready to start back! I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do/teach! I adore my students and can't wait to see them in a few weeks! After seeing/hearing other teachers comment that they are "dreading" going back to school ~ I thought to myself, "Gosh, I am glad you are not teaching MY child!" I want my children to have teachers who are passionate about what they do and LOVE their job! I want my children to have teachers who challenge them and expect them to give 110%! We have been blessed to have teachers that love their jobs and love my children and most importantly ~ love God. I am excited about this year and Jackson having Miss Sharon and Mary Dalton having Miss Kim! I love "new" beginnings ~ new years, new school supplies, new teachers, etc.

So ~ here's to the "almost" end of summer and a GREAT new school year!!!!

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