Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dance Awards Banquet 2012

Last night was the awards banquet for dance. Mary Dalton has had so so so much fun this year dancing!!!
She has not ONCE complained about practice, getting make up on, or her hair fixed...she just LOVES it!!!
She got two trophies  ~one for participation in dance this year and another from the compeition this weekend....I don't know WHY children...or at least MY children love a trophy (DUST COLLECTOR!) but gosh do they ever!!! Needless to say she was SUPER pumped!!!!
Sweet Friends ~ Mary Dalton & Marti Ann
Mary Dalton LOVES Miss Stephanie ~ how could you not??? Isn't she precious? She is SO TINY!!!! She has the sweetest, calmest voice yet those girls LISTEN to her every word! She has been a great teacher this year, and we look forward to dancing with her this summer at camp and next year!!!
One great thing about dance is that I get to see MY friends while Mary Dalton is dancing away!!! Love me some "Miss Hodge!" :)

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