Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tee Ball Fun!

I swear I need a clone...or a taxi to haul the kids around!!! I knew the time was coming where we went from event to event, but boy does it wear me down!!! Yesterday, jackson had tee ball and mary dalton had 2 different times....which means we were gone for about 4 hours! I am ready for summer that's for sure! :)

He is on the team with most of the kids from our school so he had a great time!!! He did not play last year and when he played when he was 4 he had a broken arm ~ so this is his first "real" time to play!
 He did pretty good! He has the concept of the game and was more aggressive going after the ball than I assumed he would be!
 Like his mother, I think he enjoys the social aspect of playing more than anything! :)
 He got a good hit!!! I know he is the CUTEST little tee ball player I have ever seen!!!!

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