Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dance Recital Weekend ~

To say that this has been one LOONNGGG weekend would be a COMPLETE understatement!!! It was Mary Dalton's big dance recital and she has had practice everyday all week!
 She was super excited but said that she would much rather do competition than recital ~ too much rushing and changing for her...and for her mama! ;)
 She had Big Daddy, Suz, Sue-anna, and of course us there cheering her on! Several sweet friends also came to see her dance! Thanks guys!!! :)
 I must say that I am VERY VERY VERY thankful that I have only 1 girl ~ I can't imagine that mothers that had 2 and 3 girls backstage to dress!!! YIKES!!!
 I really think her favorite part of dance is socializing ~ she loves her friends!
 She had 5 costume changes and dances and by the 2nd one ~ I put the camera up and just prayed for the night to go by fast! It was SO SO SO hot backstage and at one point she wasn't feeling good and I was worried she was going to be sick!
 We got her a sprite and went out into the big room where it was MUCH cooler  ~ she got her second wind and was ready to dance then!!!
 Friday night after her dance practice, we went to the cabin ~ Dalton killed a big turkey ~ that we helped him roost! :)
 We enjoyed no cell phones, computers, and silence for the night!!! It was WONDERFUL!!!
 Dalton just installed an outdoor kitchen and got a new green egg! He cooked ribs and they were OH SO YUMMY!!! I can't wait to eat lots of good food on the new grill!!!
 And of course Jackson was a trooper throughout all the dance hoopla! He said, "I didn't know there could be SO many dances!" ha! He has learned to drive the golf cart and he is so proud! He's actually a pretty good driver!
We slept in this morning and are headed to Louisville Methodist shortly for their choir program ~ I hope afterwards it will be warm enough to swim and we can have some down time and RELAX!!!

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