Friday, May 4, 2012

Honors Day, Field Trips & a BIG SURPRISE!!!

**uhhh!!!! I posted ALL my pics backwards....bear with my backwards week!**

I finally downloaded pics today and I was SO sad that NOT ONE from the choir program turned out! :( I am hoping the video worked...will have to check it later!

Today was Honor's Day ~ Mary Dalton made Jackson these posters since he was the high point trophy winner in K5! So sweet! The one on the green says "You are awsome and you are such a cute boy!" 99.9% of the time she is SO sweet to him!!!
 She was so proud to make this for him!!
 Chelsey was at honor's day! my kids LLOOOVVVEEEE her!!! We are SO excited that we have her coming one night a week this summer and one full day!!! Dalton and I are going to have weekly date nights and the days she comes here I plan to run errands, meet him for lunch, work on my V3 business and get ready for the new school new!
 Sydney Clair came to tell Jackson how proud she was of him!!!
 We ADORE Miss Cathy!!! Not only is she a co-worker, but she is one of the best friends I have here in GA! She has "adopted" my children as her own! She loves them, disciplines them (not enough!), and buys them treats to have everyday after school! She is the BEST!
 Jackson got $200 from Suz and Big Daddy!!! Mary Dalton chose a nook last year for her prize, but this boy likes the greenbacks!!! After school, we went straight to the bank to put his money in! He is saving for a limo!!! ;)
 Going up to get his trophy ~ GO JACKSON!!!!
 Mary Dalton got honored in the 100+club at honors day ~ She did not win the trophy, but only lost by 2 know, sometimes it is a good thing not to win....teaches you to work harder!!! She handled it well, but she was a wee bit upset ~ although she did not mention it or cry ~ I could tell she was upset...or maybe even embarassed a little....anyway....she has already made up her mind that she will be the top point winner next year and hopefully she will make it!! :)
 It must have been white pants day at TJA!!! I had to get a picture with all of my girls in their white pants!!! :) They can make you feel so old at times, but least I got the white pants memo! ha!
 Mary Dalton, Margaret Lynn & Marti Ann with Miss Kristi ~ all ready for honor's day!!!
 We are SO glad to have Miss Sharon back!!! I have enjoyed having her for 2 years ~ she is such a free spirit and makes learning so much fun!!!! She LOVES these babies!!
 The BIG SURPRISE this morning ~
We put bags on the kids' heads and then had them pull the bags off ~ they saw the BIG REVEAL sign!!! Woohoo!!!! The Dowdy's are headed on Disney Cruise soon ans WE. CAN'T. WAIT!!!!!! They both shrieked and yelled and mdd said, "I'm going to pack NOW!!!"
(she HAD to pose! ~ way too much dance lately!)
 On Thursday, we went to GA Southern to the planetarium and the wild life center. Whitney Sue went with us in our car and they were just precious as usual! Sweet girl talk and giggles all day! We enjoyed lunch at Mellow Mushroom ~ while we were waiting....they got "all dolled up!"
 Love this sweet girl!!! She is growing up so fast!!! I see everyday how quickly time is FLYING by and I want to do my absolute BEST to enjoy each moment!!!
 MD was NOT a fan of the rapture center ~ the look on her face is TERROR! I have NEVER EVER seen her that scared...they brought out a hissing cock roach and the girl cam unglued!!! The other kids were touching it and she and marti ann moved to the back of the room....and there they stayed!!! She did not touch the snakes, lizards, bugs, or birds ~ but she did learn a lot! I cannot WAIT for Jackson to get to go next year!!! He will eat this up!!!
Sweet girls enjoying their snack before the planetarium!!!!  
We are having a super low key weekend at home and I can't think of any better way to spend it!!! 

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