Friday, May 25, 2012

Jackson's Graduation from K5

Monday night was Jackson's graduation from K5! I can't believe he is going to be in 1st grade!!! He is getting SO big and he is just SO smart!!! We are SO proud of him and the little man he is becoming!
 Above is his teacher, Miss Sharon ~ We LOVED having her!! she is so much fun! Below is his new teacher (she subbed while sharon was out for several weeks) ~ he is in LOVE with Miss Cobb!!! We are super excited about next year!

My parents were able to be here for his big night! He was realy excited to have all of the people he loves there to celebrate his big night! 

 He has had a BIG year ~ he lost his 1st teeth (5 total now!), asked Jesus into his heart, broke his arm, learned to read...and I mean READ great, grew about 2 1/2 inches and gained 6 lbs  ~ pretty good year! :)
 He is still in love with Livi! They play together everyday and sit together every chance they get...they really are best friends!
 Most of his class ~ this pic is missing 3 of them...they will only have 12 in their class next year! His class is so small compared to Mary D's!
 Ty, Jackson, and Will all ready to move on to 1st grade! They are so stinking cute in their little ties! I LOVE it!!!
 These are the 6 that started K3 together  ~they were the 1st K3 class at TJA ~ we try to get pics of the 6 of them as often as we can! They had one more in their group, but he moved...I can't wait to see how many we have when they graduate high school!
 Jackson was blessed with lots of gifts ~ his favorite gift money!
He was so sweet and really appreciated each one! He also got some bendaroos and they have had a blast with them!!
 Suz and Big Daddy were there to see the show!
 He was precious, but a lot more reserved than I expected ~ he did a great job on his part and we were so proud of him!!
 He said when he grows up he wants to be a plastic surgeon so he could make lots of money...he wanted to say bc he likes boobs and water balloons,  but even miss sharon said he couldn't say that! ha!
 It was a wonderful night and a great way to end a special year in K5!
 There was a reception afterwards in the lunchroom ~ He was so busy opening his cards and gifts he almost missed the cake!
 His "Big Buddy" from the senior class came and gave him a gift, too ~ so sweet! nick has been so good with jackson this year ~ we really appreciate him!!!

He could not think of what he wanted us to give him for graduation ~ bless his heart ~ he had never been to TOYS R US ~ so I took him and let him pick out a gift!
 He chose a rock tumbler/polisher and was pleased as punch!
 we ended our fun day with a trip to Dippin' Dots!
I  know I said it before, but are so proud of Jackson and can't wait to see what the future holds for our special boy!!! 

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