Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Weekend Fun

We went to the coast for our long weekend!
 Jackson LOVES to walk down the marsh and catch fiddler crabs....those poor crabs...I bet they were glad to see us go!!!
 He had a JAR full!!!
 I love how "laid back" things are at the coast...we don't get dressed up, brush hair, worry about what the kids do or don't eat....we just hang out and enjoy each other....
 Dalton's grandmother was supposed to come join us but she was not feeling well so she wasn't able to come....we missed seeing her!
 The tropical storm was coming in on Sunday and the winds were insane! I can't imagine being in an actual hurricane! This is the view from the back porch....beautiful!
 We were able to go to the sandbar before the rain came ~ They were SOOOO excited! I don't think we ever got to go over last year, so the kids were excited to get to swim/play there!

 They can swim aganist the current like little fish ~ they had a BLAST!!!
 Jackson worked and worked on a swimming pool for the crabs he caught!
 LOVE my 2 boys!!!!
 Jax LOVES for his daddy to throw him! He was worn out after all of this playing!!!
 Good thing Uncle Amos was there to spin/throw Mary Dalton! No one was left out! They have gotten so big, I can't throw them anymore...I can barely pick them up! My babies are getting big!!!
 We went to Suz's cousin's house Saturday night for a low country boil ~ Mary Dalton was ALL decked out in full makeup for the occasion! ;)
 we enjoyed our weekend and came home with only 1 child ~ Mary Dalton stayed and is flying to TN for the week with Dalton's sister. I know that she will have a GREAT time!!!
We have a low key week planned...Jackson has 2 lymph nodes that are super swollen. We had blood work done and that all looks good....praise God....but we are going back for a recheck this week. I wanted to keep him "near" in case he did get sick or have any weird side effects from his medicine! He learned to swallow a capsule and we are SUPER pumped about that! (Thanks BIG DADDY for the lessons!!!!) He takes it like a champ! :)

In other news, Dalton qualified to run for Solicitor in our county, so we are gearing up for a great campaign! I know he would do an AWESOME job if elected!
We are excited about the election, our upcoming anniversary and a FUN filled summmer!!!!!

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