Sunday, June 24, 2012

Our Summer Mississippi Trip!!!

Every summer, the kids and I load up and head to MS for a week or so! We had a quick change is plans and had to move our trip up a week ~ they were SUPER excited to be going to MS sooner rather than later...
 Bless their hearts, they travel SO WELL! It takes 10 LONG hours to get to my parents and they are such little troopers! They never complain or ask how much longer...they are just ready to see Nana and Pawpaw! Jackson SLEPT most of the trip and Mary Dalton watched Dance Moms on my iPad!
 They were in sensory overload when we got there ~ paint, stickers, new toys, cookies, snacks galore ~ kids' dream! ;)
 My Daddy made them each a beautiful box ~ Jackson plans to keep money in his (imagine that!)
 Mary Dalton has hers filled with make up and jewelry! They are so pretty and I know they both with treasure them dearly...especially when they are older! Dalton & I both said how we wished we had something like that from our grandfathers.
 Mary Dalton wasted NO TIME getting on the swing and Jackson went straight to the tree house!
They LOVE playing outside!
 (Don't kill me Mama!)
Mary Dalton also opened a spa and gave Nana this MOST LOVELY hairdo! We were cracking up ~ I told her she looked like Minnie Mouse! Nana was SUCH A good sport and even let her do her make up!
 Mama (nana) lets them bake their own cakes ~ she puts out all sorts of ingredients and lets them go at it ~ it doesn't matter how nig of a mess they make...she just lets them be kids. It is HANDS DOWN the thing that they love the most! They even get to make homemade icing...and surprisingly...their cakes are usually pretty darn good!
 We made daily trips to get snowcones and I made LOTS and LOTS of trips to Sonic ~ I am hooked on diet cherry limeades and may go into withdrawals now that we are home!
 I was also able to meet up with one of my best friends, JJ for supper. Mary Dalton & Regan (her little girl) have the BEST time together!!! I wish we were closer ~ they'd be BFFs just like us! ;)
 We took a day and went to the creek ~ I grew up going her while visiting my Great Grandmother...
 the water is 8 inches deep ~ MAYBE ~ but the kids LOVE it! There is lots of sand and minnows to catch so they stay busy!
 So much fun!
 Jax showing his muscles! ha!
 They found a rope swim and this provided HOURS of entertainment!!! They had a blast!
 Mary D. was most excited about eating a tomato sandwich that Nana made while we were there ~ we eat these every year adn she looks forward to it!
 This little girl ADORES her Nana!!! She said, "Mama, when Nana is gonna be the saddest day in my life." I said..."What if I die?" She said, "Yeah, I will be more sad if it were Nana!" Oh well...I know where I stand! ;)
 We also went to my old high school and the kids played on the playground while I is the same equipment I played on when I was little ~ pretty durable!
 Jackson loved all the monkeybars!!!
 We went downtown and stopped by the park for what else ~ SNOWCONES!!!
 Mary Dalton, Regan, JJ and I all went and got manicures and pedicures ~ the girls were SO proud of their matching zebra print nails ~ they were too stinking cute!!!
 Enjoying a fun day!!!
 On Saturday, my sister and her family came to Natchez for the day to see everyone before their move. They moved to AL today and we are SO excited to have family 4 hours from us!!!! WAY better than 8 or 10!!!
 My sister is hands down one of the funniest people I know ~ my children love her...I do too! :)
 Jackson was smitten with Emily and wanted to be sure he staked out a seat next to the "hot girl."

We tried to get a pic of me and Tasha and Daddy ~ The angle or something is weird...he looks giant...oh well! Happy LATE Father's Day Daddy! We love you! :)
 Zachary was great at entertaining Jax and keeping him busy while we waited on our meal!
We left early this morning and drove ALL day!!! We had a blast but are glad to be back home with Dalton/Daddy!!! We missed him terribly!! It is always hard to leave...Mary Dalton AND Jackson both cried when we left...not pitching fit/dramatic tears, just sad quiet tears that their fun time is ending and they are leaving their grandparents' house. It does make it easier that Nana and Aunt Tasha are coming for a visit later in July!!!
In the meantime, we have LOTS to unpack and of course we will ALL 3 be going through "MS Detox" this week! Wish us luck!!!

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