Sunday, June 17, 2012

Swimming, swimming and swimming....

We have been SWIMMING non stop for the past few days and it has been WONDERFUL!!!
Saturday, we had friends over to join us and we swam for almost 8 hours....this makes for some AMAZINGLY tired children who sleep like logs!
 Dalton was our official pool boy! He brought us drinks on a tray (the girls LOVED this!) and even made us a churn of homemade ice cream that was TO DIE FOR!!!
 Mary Dalton & Jackson both can dive now! Funny, because their mother can't! ha! We enjoyed playing with precious Blake! He was too funny!!!

 The kids must have played 500 games of sharks of minnows!!!
 I tried and tried to get a picture of Jackson and such luck...I decided to go for an "action shot" during a game!
 Mary Dalton & Ansley  had fun playing too! When they got tired of swimming, they would head over to Suz's house to the tree house ~ Mary Dalton swam almost the WHOLE time! I have never seen a child love the water like she does!

It was a WONDERFUL summer day with some of our sweetest friends!!! 

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