Friday, June 15, 2012

The Best Day With You ~

Yesterday, Mary Dalton and I went to Augusta for a Girl's Day! It was the BEST day and as you can see...we shopped til SHE dropped!!!
Her Daddy gave her some money and she was itching to get to Bath & Body Works Semi Annual Sale. She got 8 things for $15 so she was pumped! We have all sorts of lovely scents throughout our house right now! ;) We made a few returns and met Suz for lunch. Mary D. requested PF Chang and she ate really good! 
 After lunch, we went to the dentist. We both had appointments at the same time. I had a cleaning and she needed to get a filling repaired and was also there for a ortho consult. I told her she would be in there by herself and she said, "I totally got this mama...I know what to do." She is SUCH a "big" girl now and SO SO SO much fun! I love to spend one on one time with her and just listen to everything that's on her little mind with no interruptions.
After we left the dentist, we went to Tutti Fruitti and then to get a new TV for her room. We had a hard time finding one that was small enough with a DVD player, but we finally got one for her and she was pumped! (The one she bought with her own money broke and THAT broke her heart....Daddy to the rescue again!)

We had the most fun and I cherished every minute I had her all to myself!

**While we were away, Jackson (who had NO DESIRE to go shopping!) stayed with Chelsey. His buddy Ty came over and they had the best time! They swam, rode bikes, played in tree house and played lots of games. He was WIPED OUT and in bed by 8! We didn't even attmempt VBS last night! 

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