Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rainy Week & Funnies~

RAIN has been the theme around GA this week! Yesterday we had a quick break in the weather and the kids are I DARTED to the pool! I feel like we have not gotten to swim hardly at all this summer! The water was FREEZING but they did have a good 30 min. swim before the rain started again!
Jackson can dive like a PRO now! :)
We also made low fat cupcakes from Pinterest ~ I  know "fat free" should not be said with cupcake but they REALLY are good! It's just a confetti cake mix and a sprite zero (or diet). They are SO light and good! The icing was also low fat ~ FF coolwhip and sugar free pudding mixed together ~ the kids loved them!

Jackson bought some new games on his Ipod and that has been my saving grace today! Mary Dalton spent last night and today with a friend and he is LOST without someone to play with! They are also attending VBS this week and have really enjoyed it! We were SUPPOSED to do something fun today, but had a change of plans...we are hoping for Friday now!

The rain went away today and Jackson and I enjoyed swimming this afternoon before picking Mary Dalton up. We are having a "girls day" tomorrow ~ we both have appointments and Jackson has a friend coming to spend the day to keep him company!

Funnies this week ~
*"Mama, if you birthed me and I was in your come I look like Daddy?" hmmm...I did what any good mom would do ~ "I don't know Jax...ask Daddy!"

*MDD had all of her dolls lined up and wanted me to get in line for her "grand march" they were all laying in a line and she said
"Mama, get in line behind Kit...but I know you are old, so don't lay down...just stand there til I call your name!" ha!

*JDD got a cap gun at the dollar store and was reading the warnings. He said,
"Mama, this says not to put this gun in your pocket...I bet it is so you don't shoot your tally off...that would be bad huh?"

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