Monday, June 11, 2012

Playdates & Room Make Over ~

On Friday, both children had friends over to play! We picked up their friends in Louisville and came home to play for awhile ~ when lunch time rolled around we picked up a pizza and headed to the park for some fun and a picnic!
(LOVE Jax's outfit! The beauty of dressing or brushing hair!) 
 Mary Dalton & Marti Ann ~ notice that MOST lovely make up they applied! Raccoon eyes seem to be the fashion MUST for 7 year old girls these days! ;)
 They had a lot of fun playing and they all got along really well. I was able to get some laundry done and catch up on some V3 work while they played ~ it was perfect! I SO wish they had friends that lived near us...I could get ALL sorts of stuff done! :)
 They played at the tree house awhile too then of course the pool was calling their name! It has not been very warm here and the water was FREEZING but they still swam about 2 hours!
 Jackson and Ty working on their tans!

Saturday, we went to Augusta to pick up a few things for our room "re-do" ~ I bought the fabric back in April and was SO excited to finally have it all "come together" ~ we still aren't done with the window treatments, but the bed is finished. I am also having 2 chairs recovered that will go at the foot of the bed. 
 The chairs will go on either side of my garage sale table I painted blue! LOVE the colors! I HAD to post this pic ~ Check out the gun...looks like a machine gun in the corner ~ nice touch! ha!!
Sunday, we were home for the first time in FORVER and we went to church. Jackson moved up from the preschool department into the children's department (1st-6th grade). He was SO glad to be out of the "baby class with kids who can't even write their own names!" They all start out together in opening assembly then break into small groups (1st-3rd boys and 1st-3rd girls) so they aren't together the whole time. He was SO sweet yesterday singing all the songs he learned in assembly!

After church, we were supposed to have friends over to swim, but the RAIN was torrential so we had to cancel! Jackson went to the farm with Dalton and Mary Dalton and I cleaned out the toy room...5 bags of TRASH and lots to store in the attic!
While Jax was at the farm, he shot a goose with a 22! Dalton let him try to do it on his own and he killed it ~ he was SUPER excited!!!
Dalton's parents came out to the cabin for supper ~ Dalton cooked some AMAZING ribs on his new green egg ~ they were SO SO SO good!!

This week we have doctor appointments, dentist visits, VBS, dance and a special trip on Wednesday that we are VERY excited about!!!

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