Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dress Rehearsal & Dance Awards 2013

This weekend has been NONSTOP!!!
Friday after Honor's Day, Mary Dalton had dress rehearsal for her two recitals this weekend!
Girlie here LOVES some flash eye lashes...she says she wearing them EVERYDAY when she's bigger! 

Dance is fun, but it can be LONG. Long waits, long time dressing/doing make up, long practices, but Mary Dalton LOVES it! I asked her at one point this weekend if she wanted to quit (when 58 of the 60 girls were crying, it was HOT backstage, I pulled her hair, glued her eye shut, etc....)and she said,
"Mama, look at ALLLLL these costumes! And there is a REAL camera man out there! No I don't want to quit, I love this! and I feel famous!"
oh well, worth a try! ;) 
I had not seen her rec group dance...they are just that recreational. No frills, no skills. Just out to have fun. I didn't realize that I had gotten to be so competitive, but I want to see FRILLS and SKILLS when she dances! We spend too much time at dance to shuffle! I am hoping we can opt out of recreational dance next year and just focus on competition. I am thankful though that she has met new friends though! 

I don't know who loves who more ~ Mary Dalton loving Caroline, or Caroline loving Mary D!
Caroline is a little fire cracker and MD eats her up! 

After dress rehearsal, we had their awards banquet and a light supper...

The girls were recognized for their hard work and also for being part of the competition team ~ and being chosen for Youth Dance Ambassadors! They were SUPER excited! :)
Mary Dalton also got the Leadership Award ~
Way to go MDD! 
It has been a LONG year of dance ~ and it is **kinda** slowing down for a few weeks before we start getting ready for Nationals! We have decided not to take any dance camps this summer, other than practice for nationals ~ our summer is SO full already and I want time to enjoy our pool and being HOME some too! 

I am so proud of Mary Dalton's hard work and positive attitude this year in dance!

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