Monday, August 26, 2013

Life Lately....

WHAT a weekend!!! we have had no hot water since Thursday and let me say that hot water is NOT something I function well without!!! Hopefully we will have it back today!!! We are still sleeping upstairs, so my back is killing me and I have been in the most lovely mood since we have no hot water...and my house is a DIASTER from the remodeling project...
We still found some time for a little fun!
Thursday night, Marti Ann stayed over because her brother had an out of town ball game ~ they swam even though the water was FREEZING!!! I should also mention both kids have what I refer to as "The back to school crud" ~ I am sure the freezing cold temp in the water REALLY helped their runny noses, coughing, etc.
Mother of the Year here...
Friday was our first home football game! These cuties were excited about the pep rally and getting their picture made with their favorite Senior player...sure helps when your mom is the high school science teacher! ;)
Mary Dalton went home with Marti Ann and we went to the cabin because we needed hot water. Jackson requested shrimp for dinner...
we were going to the game but the thunder/lightning changed our minds! Instead, Jackson played with Lincoln Logs and shot plastic animals with his BB gun....
Saturday, we got Mary Dalton back and sent Jackson to spend the night with Ty ~ he was SO SUPER EXCITED! This was his first time to sleep over at a friends house! They stayed up until 4 a.m.!!! The child who can't stay up past 9 made it til 4!?!? Shocker!!!
Mary Dalton and I painted our nails, watched some TV and enjoyed some good old fashioned girl time!
We got up Sunday with the intentions of going to church...a flat tire changed that plan! After about two hours, we were up and running again and we made ANOTHER trip to Augusta for hopefully the LAST of the supplies for the contractor! We took Mary Dalton to lunch at McAlister's then came home! I went and got Jackson and he tried to swim and I tried to lay out....but it is COOL in GA!!!
We went back to the cabin for supper and baths...then back home to bed! Busy weekend, but fun!
these are the latest pics of the bathroom...
I can't even see the "light at the end of the tunnel" yet ~ I know it will be WELL worth it, but I am READY for MY bathroom and MY bed!!!
I am praying he is done by Friday so I can "enjoy" everything this weekend!!!

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