Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wigs, Farm Fun, & Pizza...

We have enjoyed this weekend, but to say it has been RANDOM would be a HUGE understatement! It rained Friday night so we went to Thomson to eat dinner and make a Walmart run  ~The kids bought each other "treats" ~ MD bought Jax water guns, he bough her doll some skates. They found the 50% off Halloween costumes and both picked out most fashionable wigs...
Saturday we went to the cabin and the kids found a turtle, did some fishing, rode the golf cart and enjoyed the day! Jackson almost met Jesus while playing on the haybales ~ and we have a video with proof!!! I hope to get it uploaded this is one for the books!!! :) 
After church Sunday, we tried making pizza on the green egg ~ it was really good but we have some ideas on how to make it even better! When we came home, Jackson realized that Muffin ~ the THIRD hamster was dead. Help. Me. Lord. He was upset but still not as upset as when the first one died. I washed the cage good and told him we'd get another one for his birthday since the hollidays are coming and we are going to be out of town....hopefully he will forget! ;) 
In other exciting news, we had a BIRD in the study on Saturday. Jackson had a ball trying to hit it with his nerf gun! Poor thing finally died...he probably had a heart attack from being aggravated by Jax!
It's hard to belive November is already here! We have got our Halloween down and turkeys out...for a week or two then on to Christmas we go!!!

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