Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013 ~

My kids love Halloween almost as much as they love Christmas...especially Mary Dalton...girl friend LOVES some candy!!! She was so excited the night before she couldn't sleep!

They both had parties at school ~ I helped with MD's party and we did it in my classroom since the room is so much bigger than their classroom...
They both had FUN parties and were SO pumped about trick or treating!!!

We came home to regroup before trick or treating and FINALLY Jackson caught a squirrel in his's been set since July! He checks it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I can't begin to explain how happy he was there was "something" in his cage!!!

After the great catch...we went to our church's fall festival ~ they had fun playing the games...but truthfully these two were after candy...not games...

We were so excited to see The Chalkers! My friend Hope is precious and I love her so much...I just NEVER get to see her! We caught up with them for a few mins before heading out again...
The Chances are SO sweet to my kids...
They had them each a treat bag jam packed full of treats and trinkets! Sallie Ann was there and Paisley, too! We just love her cute dog...Dalton, not so much! 
we left Wrens and headed to Louisville for MORE trick or treating...
Both kids racked up and have counted and swapped candy all afternoon! 
It was a super fun night....
MD says that was her last time to trick or treat...can't wait to see if she sticks to that one! ;)

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