Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Random Mess of a Post ~

Dalton informed me I am not blogging enough ~
ummmm...that requires TIME and that is rare these days!
My new "role" this year is a taxi driver. Literally ~ that is all I do.
Haul kids to school  ~ home ~ and then back to practices...
Every night it takes us a good hour to pack up all our gear for the next day!!!
This was SOME of Monday's stuff....
And some more ~
Missing is all of Jackson's football stuff and cooler I had dropped off at Sooz's earlier...
It's a strange, BUSY stage! I miss the days when the kids went to bed by 8:30 or 9 and Dalton and I had an hour or so of quiet time.
Now ~ Jackson isn't home from football Mon-Thurs til 8:30-45 ~ he has to shower and we beg him to eat...but he is never the time we get him to wind's 10 and we ALL go to bed!
As bad I as I hate to say it ~ I think that this is the new "Norm" for awhile...
Monday I drove these 5 cuties to dance!!!
Mary D. took rice krispy treats to share for her bday with her dance class!
We did manage to squeeze in some swimming on Sunday!!!
Summer seems like YEARS ago!!!
And this is a MIRACLE!!!
I have NEVER kept flowers alive a whole summer!!!
So much fun just being at home and enjoying each other...
I am trying to really TREASURE this time because it is FLYING by!!!
And this may just be the CUTEST football player EVER!!!
Last night after he showered he put this nasty shirt back on!!!
Said it was his lucky shirt because he had the best practice ever in it and I could NOT wash it...
I sprayed it and he's wearing it again today...
such a boy!
Our staff at school was challenged to do the ice bucket challenge today! I think we had a GREAT turn out and hopefully we will raise a good bit for ALS study/research!!!
I am BEYOND thankful that Dalton is taking the boys to football tonight!!! I am HOME for one night with NO PLANS other than laundry and grading!!!
Jax is SUPER excited his daddy is going to get to see him in action!!! :)

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