Saturday, August 17, 2019

Happy 15th Birthday MD!

Happy 15th birthday to my all time favorite girl!!! 

15 years ago we had no earthly idea what we were getting into when we brought our 5 pound screaming and projectile vomiting baby home from the hospital. Those days were LONG and I vividly remember rocking her countless hours in attempts to get her not to cry (and because I didn’t want to put her down) and rubbing her little face wondering who she would grow up to be. I also could not imagine that she would ever sleep longer than two hours at a time.  And now...well, here we are. She’s not “grown” yet, but I am so proud of the young woman she’s becoming. 

Watching her grow up brings us such joy. I can remember always waiting for  the next thing to happen when she was little...If she would just sleep through the night, if she was potty trained, if she could just go to bed without 500 stories, four prayers and 20 minutes of back rubs, if she could just fix her own snack, if she could do her homework without me checking in, if she could do her own laundry, if I didn’t have to hire a sitter, etc. now I’m in the stages of “please don’t grow up.“ in three years she’ll be 18, and then going to college. I don’t want any phase to go by fast. I want long days with her and I want to make them count. She’s my favorite girl. Always will be. ❤️

I can’t believe you have been ours for 15 years! You make us so proud and we love you more than you’ll ever know! 

Be strong. Be silly. Be bold. Be confident. Be intelligent. Be independent. In a world full of fakes, be you! 

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