Saturday, October 12, 2019

Homecoming Days 3-4

Homecoming week was definitely busy… It’s taking me a lot of posting it all covered! Day three was 80’s day and Jackson was supposed to be maverick from top gun but he was still sick. I ordered the shirt and found a replacement since Jackson was not there!! How cute is he?!? 

Mary Dalton was exercise 80s Barbie! 

We practiced homecoming! Love love these girls!!  

It was my day to feed the junior varsity team. Jackson was not there but I still had boys to feed! Mary Dalton helped me and Ava Grace was excited to see her favorite cheerleader! 

Best friends always...

 We got home on Thursday and my parents and niece were at our house. We were so excited to see them and that Jackson was finally feeling better! 

Friday was spirit day!!! The only day Jax went to school all week! 

 Our cheerleaders raised $1000 at our pink  out. We donated it to a lady who works at the hospital who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. These girls worked so hard to earn this money! I’m proud of them! 

Back to school we went and we got ready for the pep rally! We moved the majority of our decorations from the hall to the gym! It turned out super cute!!! 

Lots of picture taking happened....

The pep rally was so good! The girls did great! I never get pictures since I’m in charge of the pep rally, but Brinson’s mom got a few of him escorting Mary Dalton I never get pictures since I am in charge of the pep rally, but Brinson‘s mom got a few of him escorting Mary Dalton out for homecoming. 

Jackson walked Taylor out! We love her, she’s super fun and has the best personality! 

We got a pic with nana and lily before we left! My kids never have family come to their games so MD was happy to have them there....I was too!!! They had planned to watch Jax play Thursdsy night, but he was still sick so he couldn’t play. 

We made it home just in time for Mary Dalton to shower and head to her hair and make up appointment to get ready for the night! Jackson stayed at school to help with the varsity game! It was a BUSY day for the Dowdy’s! 

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