Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Homecoming Days 1-2

Well, I’m half way through homecoming week and I haven’t lost my mind yet....that’s a win!!! 
Tuesday was 50’s day! Mary D was Trixi Sue and soooo cute!!! She wore skates which added to the cuteness!!! 

Poor Jackson has been sick all week!!!! He’s missed two days of school and won’t be going tomorrow! The funnest week and he got strep!!! Poor guy!! 

I LOVE this picture so much!!! 
Cutest couple!

My students have had the best costumes this week!!!

Today was “blast into the future” day. MD was a stay at home mom and Brinson was a dr. 

She cracked me up getting ready for this!!! She dressed these dolls and had the just “so.” She got tired of toting that carrier really fast! Ha! 

Blast to my future...Lisa and I were angels because there’s a REALLY good chance we won’t live another 50 years! ;) 

Tonight was our BIG cheer practice before the homecoming pep rally on Friday! 

These girls are so much fun! It’s a LOT to be in charge of cheer, but i love spending time with them!!! 

48 more hours and Hoco ‘19 will be in the books!!! 

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