Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy Birthday to my Favorite!!!

This guy is turning 44 today...
It's my 21st time to spend his special day with him...and I am beyond thankful for him.

Dalton is the life of the party. He always knows how to have a good time and 99.9% of the time is willing to do whatever we want...he loves a good time and he loves spending time with us. 

This girl has no idea how lucky she is that she got him for a daddy. He ADORES her. He encourages her and loves her...and tells her everyday how pretty she is. He waits on her and spoils her rotten. He has set the bar HIGH for her future husband.
And this one....he is crazy about him, too. These two cut up and act a fool all day, everyday. They love to aggravate each other...and us. You can hear these two running and laughing all over our house. Dalton has taught him how to work for what you want, the importance of being a gentleman, how to cook/grill, and how to treat his wife one day. And let me say, whoever gets Jackson will get a GEM. His daddy has taught him well. 
And then there's me. 
This man loves me. 
He has seen me at my worst, my best, my sickest, my prettiest, and my ugliest...and he loves me the same. 
There is nobody on the Earth I would rather spend my life with than Big D. 

Happy birthday Big D! We are so blessed by you and we love you so very much!! Thank you for always bringing the FUN and being our very own "Daddy Disney" 24/7. 
Our life is better because of you!!!!

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