Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas at the Cabin

The first post of 2021… And wouldn’t you know it’s a catch-up post!

We had our traditional cabin Christmas on December 23 like we had for the past several years. This is become one of our favorite Christmas traditions!

We had crab legs and steak and then the kids went straight for their stockings! Cameron came and joined in on the fun!

Without a doubt, the kids favorite thing in the socket was the lottery tickets! We did not hear a word from them for a good 15 minutes… And I think they want to total of three dollars! 

if you know Jackson you know this is his favorite phrase… He could literally be projectile vomiting with one arm hanging on by a ligament and he would say, “no I’m good.“ A Sweetheart that boy!!!! 

I had to break out a happy birthday Jesus cake this year! I even made the kids saying… They obliged and actually had fun.

Dalton’s gift to the kids this year was new iPhones. They were so excited to have the newest model and more storage! It was a perfect start to our three day celebration!

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