Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Tuttle Christmas

We had a special treat this year and that we got to see my entire side of the family. Every single person was there. I don’t even know the last time that every single one of us were all together. We loaded up the day after Christmas at 7:30 and made our pilgrimage to Birmingham.

Ughhhhh my sweet mama!!! She is literally the cutest and sweetest human on the earth. We all just adore her!

The lovebirds….

this was no easy task getting all of us in one picture and our eyes open at once. We were so excited to get to meet John Mark‘s fiancé‘s little girl, olive.My entire family fell in love with her and we are so excited she is going to be part of our family!

Lots of presents, food and fun! 

Elizabeth is also getting married! Both of my kids are in the wedding next fall so we are super excited about that. Dalton is actually performing the ceremony! 

We played dirty Santa and Dalton opened this big grill… I was like, no way is that thing going home with me. And wouldn’t you know, Cameron stole the grill and we had to take it all the way back to Georgia. I do have to say, Cameron has loved that grill!

Random Snapchat’s from Dalton at family Christmas…he’s so crazy!!!

We left that afternoon about 430 and headed home. It was a long day and lots of driving but I’m so thankful we got to see everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That girl wearing the pink is missing some clothes! Who dressed her? Looks like some pole dancer slut by the size of her dress

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