Saturday, August 6, 2022

More BTS

Our year is off to a great start!!! We have a new headmaster and have loved the changes she’s done so far. We all are less stressed and ENJOYING school again!!!

Senior Class 

They are such a fun group and want to do fun things throughout the year! I LOVE that!!! Several of them bought kiddie backpacks for the school year. 
These kids are always ready for a good time! 

The junior class 

Sweet Lou! 

This little cutie comes to see me almost every morning…and it makes my day!!!

something new this year was our school had senior sunrise. This is something I really wanted to start with them and the majority of them came to school at 6:30 on Friday morning and they watch the sunrise as a class and had devotion and prayer time to start their senior year.

I know it is going to be a great year! 

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