Saturday, August 19, 2023

MD’s 19th birthday

Friday was Mary Dalton‘s 19th birthday. We left after work and went to Athens to take her and her friends out for sushi. We found a restaurant that had a karaoke room and it worked perfectly! The girls are all going through rush so they can’t really do much but this was available and they were excited to have some thing fun to do! Jackson was so glad to see his sister… She was pretty happy to see him too!

I was excited I got to see Eli! She is such a doll and I’m just so thankful they are both at UGA!

I have prayed for the last two years that Mary Dalton would have a great friend group that loves and supports each other. I’ve prayed for Christian friends and girls who can positively influence each other. The good Lord delivered on this! These girls are absolutely precious! They’ve only known each other a week but they are already so close and I know they are going to have the best year!! 

Mary Dalton and Jackson did some sibling karaoke for the group. 

We finished up with cake at Mary Dalton’s dorm and we headed back to Jefferson County. She had Pref this morning for Rush and tomorrow is big day. She has been going nonstop since she moved in but she is absolutely living her best life!

 I love that we got to see her on her on her birthday. I’m so thankful that we got a few hours with her and got to meet her friends!

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