Thursday, August 1, 2024

Bahamas Trip

This year, we took a much needed vacation with Dalton’s sister’s family and ours to Nassau. This was an easy flight and oh so stunning!!!! The water was crystal clear! 

We arrived on Thursday and MD met us a few days later. She was in California with a friend on their vacation. Sweet Jackson David brought me flowers. I mean….be still my heart. He will be THE best husband. 

We ate a local places and I was loving the land of no make up and tanning! 

Oh how he loves Sue-anna! 

We WALKED a LONG walk to Baha Mar and enjoyed looking around and playing slots.

Sis arrived Saturday! We were glad she joined us! 

For Susan-lanie’s bday we rented a boat to take us snorkeling! We were so excited to spend the day on the water! 

First stop….Pig Island! 

We also went to Turtle Bay which was super cool…and SO CLEAR!

I tried to soak in allllll the things with these 3. 

I love being their mama. 

Razz turned 11 while we were there and MD and I got her the funnest gifts! She was THRILLED over this lipgloss! She is getting so grown up and it’s so much fun! 

We found the cutest little place for tapas and met up there. Dalton had to leave us to get back to court, but we had enough fun for him, too! 

We had another day on the boat! 

All the fun and sun!

As we were leaving we saw the Mega Duck…we HAD to do it! They had a blast! 

We headed back the next day after a week of sun, laughing, eating and snorkeling! It was such a great way to relax and be together as a family. 

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