Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What can YOU make?


My two are so close in age that we always say that they are almost like twins! They do everything together ~ got rid of paci, went to big beds, got bikes, bathe together, etc....you get the idea. The funny thing is, they even poop at the same time. SERIOUSLY. It kinda creeps me out. If one goes, the other can automatically produce....maybe I could get them on as a circus stunt/side show.....

Anyway ~ as soon as we got home today, nature called for MDD. She is V-E-R-Y nasty nice and will not wipe herself if someonse else is available ~ and I am ever so fortunate to be that "someone else" ~ So I hear the lovely, "I'm DOOOOONNNNNEEEEE!" followed by, "This is the best day ever! I made Christmas poo poo!" As I go into the bathroom, Jackson has joined his sister in this lovely celebration only to begin an argument that she has not pooped out a "candy cane" as she called it, but a "J." I run him out of thr bathroom, finish helping her, trying to IGNORE this whole incident.

Before the toilet is even done refilling, Jackson has declared he needed to go too and was VERY disappointed when he did have a "J" poop since he starts with "J" ~ I get him finished up, washed up, etc and out the door and hear MD console him by saying, "Maybe one day you will have some good luck and you will be able to make a J like me!" He said, "mine are just circles and that makes me sad...I like J's!" MD said, "Well, try eating some more fiber!" :-)

**I know that one day that they may KILL me for writing about this, however, their conversations are priceless! It's a chance I am willing to take! ;-)

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

That is too funny! I'll just be glad when Blair starts pooping in the potty instead of her diaper...round balls, J's or whatever!

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