Today, Jackson's class went to the park for a field trip! I was not able to go because I have missed so many days with sick children, BUT ~ I did slip away on my planning period and get to see him for about 40 mins while he played! He is so different from Mary Dalton. He could have cared LESS that I was there! He ran up to me and hugged me and then was so over me! ;) It's so hard to believe that this school year is almost over and he will be in K4 next year! My babies are getting big! Here are a a few pics I took while I was there

Jackson going down the "bumpy bump" slide! ;)

His sweet little class ~ notice he is a good bit taller than the others ~ this should make his Daddy proud! ;) He is actually the 2nd to the youngest ~ the little girl on his left is the youngest and will be 4 in May.

Jackson and Mallie in the spider web! His teacher would only let them climb this far for fear of the falling ~ and it was KILLING JD not to go to the fear!

Mallie, Jackson & Bree ~ Bree is my boss's daughter ~ Jackson and Bree are making plans for a slumber party....or so they say! They love each other so much!

My precious baby!!!
Jackson had a little accident today ~ he was attempting to practice his flips and fell on his head. I was in the laundry room and heard "the cry." You know, the one where your stomach goes to your feet? MD ran in and I was out the door ~ it looked worse than it was but he has a nice strawberry right on his forehead and I am sure he will be bruised. He was sooo mad than his last piece of gum fell out! ;)
More later ~ until then...enjoy your weekend....I can't wait!!!! :)
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