No big plans for tonight ~ Kids are bathed and will sleep with me again....lots of good snuggling and kisses from them! ;)
After church tomorrow, I am going to Augusta ALONE to go to Forever 21 ~ it just opened at the mall and I LOVE that store...such cute things and it is so reasonable! There is a dress I want to try on that is only $14! It may not be so cute on, but I will enjoy the much needed alone time even if it is a wasted trip! Helps me keep my sanity...don't know single parents make it!!! Dalton will be traveling home tomorrow and should be home around 9 p.m. ~ Please say a prayer for him as he travels. I will be glad when we are all back under one roof!
And last but not least ~ Pics of the kiddos so Nana can get her fix! ;)

Love ~
Thanks, Amber, I needed that.
you are welcome!:)
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