Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Last of Our Summer Adventures!

These are the last of the pics from the past few weeks and our many adventures! I just realized that none of my Father's day pics made it on my blog!

Mary D. took the pic below ~ This was me on a crab hunt for Jackson...and Iwas VERY successful...I caught 6 fiddler crabs in just a few mins and he was soooo excited! :)

He kept them closed up in the net until he found a cup with a lid! Those poor crabs lived 3 days and then we let them go. He LOVES them but tortures the poor things to death!

I was so happy to see him smiling again! He had been sick the whole time we were there, but finally started feeling better!

Mary Dalton was thrilled to be back with her brother! Don't you love the "mis-matched" bows??? This was the day she flew home and Aunt Sue-anna is very trendy and MD LOVES for her to dress her!

I LOVE this pic! This was Father's Day morning! So my boys!!!! :)

The kids colored this apron for Dalton at Sunday School and they were SO excited to give it to him! Doesn't he look cute??? Can't wait for him to wear it while he grills!!!!

After we got home, MD found these old maternity shorts of mine and made them into a leotard! I had a stack of stuff for our school garage sale and she helped herself to these beauties! LOL Pretty creative!!

It's so hard to believe that July is here! The kids are sleeping until 9 or 10 every morning and staying up late! I love a schedule, but this sure is nice! I will give them about 2 weeks and then start pushing bed time back earlier each night so they will be able to adapt to the school schedule with not too much drama...or at leas that is what I am hoping for! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Posing very provocatively

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