Friday, January 14, 2011

Just Some Things I Don't Want to Forget ~

These are just some things that I have been meaning to post, and surely don't want to forget! :)

**The kids were playing vet with their Build a Bears ~ Jackson was giving his dog some medicine. I asked him what was wrong and without missing beat he said, "Butt worms. He ate some of Patch's poopoo and caught 'the butt worms'." WHERE he heard/learned this...we have not a clue!

**JD got an ipod touch for Christmas and can work it like a CHAMP! The words he can't read, he gets MDD to read for him. A few days ago he came and wanted to know what his password was. I took the ipod from him and realized that the 2 of them together had opened Jackson an email account with AOL. He wanted to know my password for an application on his ipod. He said, "Is it Jackson?" I said, "no, but good guess." He said, "I know it is 6 letters bc you put in dot,dot,dot,dot,dot,dot." Pretty smart boy! I changed the password AGAIN to LOTS of "dots" as he calls them to keep him from cracking the code! These 2 together are gonna be dangerous! ;)

**MDD said, "Apparently, Jackson does not have very good cleaning skills. He has just thrown his things under his bed and calls himself done." Thank you Little Mother! ;)

**I took JD to the dr. to get his ears checked today ~ he has been complaining and since we are going to be swimming, I wanted to be sure he was ok (and he was). There was the MOST interesting people in the waiting room. I mean, I was literally trying HARD not to laugh at loud at their crazy conversations, questions. The lady stood up to return the paper work and she was a pretty big lady. When she stood up, her jeans ripped on the butt and Jackson said, "Mama! That big 'old fat lady is showing her pink panties!" I was about to die and PRAYING she did not come take me down!

**Mary Dalton got her report card and one of the things was rote counts to ____. I can't remember what her number was, but it was NOT high. It was higher than last time, but only by like...10. I said, "Mary Dalton! You can count higher to 6?! Count right now for me!" And she proceeds to count to 110 when I told her to stop and explained that she was being lazy and that REALLY upset me. She said, "Mama, Miss Sharon said to count, I counted...she did not say count as high as you can. And besides, she gave me a "+" and yall know I can count. That's just a waste of time." When I asked her about her *lovely* (NOT!) handwriting she replied, "Mama, that's why God made computers, so people who don't like to write on the lines can type their words!" I promise, this girl has an answer for EVERYTHING!

**I was so proud today of MDD! Her teacher told me that she read a book to her class and that she did "voices" ~ She said it was too cute and all the children sat so still and took in every word! She is doing outstanding with her reading and AR! I am so proud of her!

**Mary D's new thing is to put Jackson to bed. She will read him a book, then his Bbiel story and say his prayers with him. Then, she sings a song to him while she rubs his face to make him sleepy! SO SO SO sweet! I love to hear her little prayers, especially when she is praying her baby brother!

Tomorrow is the BIG day for Jackson! It's his 5th bday party! He is super excited and can't wait to celebrate with all his friends!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I have been reading your blog for awhile. It caught my eye on another blog because my son's name is Dalton and I just love Mary Dalton's name.'s post is just awesome. I laughed and laughed. You have been blessed with awesome children!

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