Tuesday, February 1, 2011

V-day, Sick day, Clean out day!

We started the week by wearing new Valentine shirts that our sweet preacher's wife appliqued for us! Mary Dalton looked SO old/big to me in these jeans! :( not like a K5 girl!
Jackson's shirt says "heart breaker" how appropiate??? ha!
When we got home yesterday, JD felt warm and had a low grade fever. I gave him some motrin and was praying he would be all better today! He came in our room early this morning and said his head hurt...guess it did, he had 103.7. His temp finally broke about 2. If you do the "fever free" for 24 hour rule, he can't go to school tomorrow. However, since I teach high school, he is going to stay in my room on a cot. We will stay as long as he is fever free ~ I have missed so much work lately after they were so healthy 1st semester! Thank goodness my boss is so understanding as he has 2 young children of his own!

I *thought* I was going to take it easy, but oh no! I had to find a project. I cleaned out the kids' closets...and look at the clothes that DO NOT FIT!!!

This is our guest room aka the ironing room. I thought I would shut the door and worry with it later, but no...I made an albulm and sold them on facebook. I have done ebay ~ time consuming, consignment sales ~ time consuming, etc. So, I thought I would try this and it worked! I got rid of LOTS of stuff and made some money to replace what no longer fits!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE to clean something out and organize it! I got the kids' rooms perfect and am now working on the guest room! It's like therapy for me...I know...strange.
I made creamy Italian chicken for supper and beer bread from Tastefully Simple ~ I don't know if will taste good, but it sure does smell good!

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