Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pretty is as Pretty Does ~

Our school's annual beauty pageant (PTO fundraiser) is next week. Mary Dalton pretty much begged me to participate in it, but something inside me just can't say "yes" to her yet. I am not opposed to pageants at all ~ I competed in several in high school (key words there ~ high school), but something about children walking on a stage to be judged on their appearance just doesn't set right with me. I know all the pros of pageants ~ self confidence, stage prescence, answering questions on the spot, etc. However, the cons to me are the 6 years olds in make up and teased hair...I am still fond of the BIG hairbow and smocked dress. There are SO many pressures on girls on how society *thinks* they should look and I just don't want 3 random people (trained or not) telling my big bow bishop wearing doll that she IS or IS NOT the prettiest.

Mary Dalton LOVES to watch Toddlers and Tiaras and often comments on how crazy so many mothers act, as well as how horrible the children behave! I must say, that about 99% of those of the shows wear things that I just can't put my 6 year old in. She will ALWAYS add, "Mama, they look pretty, but they sure don't act pretty do they?" No hon ~ they don't....

The school pageant is in NO WAY like T&T, but I just can't say yes to her ~ and she was not really happy about not participating until I had a heart and heart with her. I prayed that God would give me the exact words for her 6 yr old brain to understand why I was not letting her participate, but that she should be excited for all her friends that were going to participate. I really tried to emphasize to her that TRUE beauty, really pretty girls are girls who are pretty EVERYDAY (not just on a stage) in their actions. My mother in law (as well as myself) have said to Mary Dalton LOTS of times, "Pretty is as pretty does" ~ My MIL recently bought Mary Dalton a necklace with that exact quote on it! LOVE it! :)

All that to say ~ I guess this was the first of MANY "but all my friends are doing/going" ~ Thankfully, Mary Dalton truly has a sweet, respectful attitude and was VERY understanding and has not mentioned the pageant again. I told her when she was a little older that she might could participate and that seemed to suit her fine! that one handled ~ maybe we won't have any more big decisions for awhile.....


strawberrygirl said...

You made the right decision. And you have a precious girl that has learned from her mother and grandmother that she is pretty every day.

Amber said...

awww..thanks lynn! :)

Unknown said...

I think you made a wise choice.

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