Friday, May 20, 2011

All Good Things Must Come to an End ~

And it has! I officially now have a K5 student and a first grader! Today was the last day of school!

This was LAST year's last day of school picture ~

The 1st day of school THIS year ~
And today! They are growing up so quickly and I am so blessed to experience life with them by my side! Everyday is adventure and this school year has been AMAZING! They both had Godly teachers that loved them and taught them sooo much!

With all the being said ~ I have got SUMMER on my mind! I have packed up the backpacks and lunchboxes and stocked the freezer with freezer pops and ice cream ~ so long is the alarm clock....and hello to sleeping past 6 a.m!

Welcome back SUMMER ~ The Dowdys MISSED you! :)

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