Monday, May 7, 2012

Jackson's Room ~

A few weeks ago I posted pics of Mary Dalton's room ~ now it is Jackson's turn! I had to wait until his was straight! He is pretty neat, but loves to pile something up in a corner!
The door to the left goes into the playroom  ~ which I think one day we will make into a game room/hangout tv room for him. I LOVE the turtle toy box! My Daddy made this for Jackson and he keeps all sorts of "treasures" in it! I know that this will be something that his children can even use one day!
This is standing at the foot of his bed looking toward the left ~
He has his little night stand which he displays rock, trophies, fishing bait, etc on! :)  He also has NUMEROUS banks on the bottom shelf! He counts and recounts his money daily..
This is walking into his room. The little table has his DVDs on it and the red stool was what he used to get into his bed when we first moved Daddy made that for him too! You can also see "Alli" the alligator on his bed...he LOVES this thing and sleeps with it every night!
When I did their Star of the Week boards, I had them done on canvas so I could save/display them! I SOOOOO enjoy seeing them each day!!!! Precious!!!  I also REALLY like this Bible verse! I always want him to know how special he is not only to us, but to God!
This was taken standing back near the toy room ~ His room is actually a good bit bigger than Mary Dalton's ~ you can see the blue basket if filled with this "treasures" ~ (JUNK!)
This is his little memo board ~ I had it covered with pictures and cards, and he changed it ~ to rocks and deer stuff! ha!
I love to display their art in their rooms ~ So cute! He did this at school this year! He also had an indian drill and a knife my daddy made....see a trend here with all the things my daddy has made him???? Yep...Pawpaw thinks this little boy is some kinda special! :)
He also has a GREAT walk in closet ~ I store games and things on the shelves and one side has summer shirts and the other has like a charm!
His room does not have a theme ~ but he does have several pirate things in it....that way he can't really outgrow anything!

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