Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pics From the Last Day of K5 and 1st Grade...

our internet went out ALL last week and I was not able to post pics from the kids' last day of school!!! Their last day was Tuesday, K5 got on Friday ~ and Mary Dalton actually does not get out until THIS Wednesday, but we left early for our DISNEY CRUISE so they missed their last few days and end of the year parties!

both children have really enjoyed their teachers this year ~ we only have 1 class per grade, so they have the same classmates each year. It is so neat to me to see them bond with their group. They really are like a little family ~ they all look for each other ~ it is just so sweet!!!
Mary Dalton & Marti Ann ready for 2nd grade!!! They have been in school together since church nursery school! Time has flown by for sure!!!
Jackson and Will ~ He has a tiny class...only 13 with 5 boys. 1 boy is not coming back so these boys are surrounded by girls!!!
K5 buddies put up a sign for their little buddies on thier last day! :)

It was a great school year and we have already started our summer with the BEST vacation EVER!!! More on that this week!!!!!

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