Sunday, June 3, 2012

12 Years of Marital BLISS!!!

12 years!!! I cannot believe it was 12 years ago when I married my VERY best friend!!! A lot has happened in the past 12 years...and I could write and write about all the fun times we have had, struggles we have been through, blessings we have recieved, things we have learned, and how we have grown as individuals, spouses and parents. Instead, I am going to give a "shout out" to my #1 man and list 12 things I LOVE about him!!!

1.) He loves me...all the time....I am not always "pleasant" but he loves me anyway!
2.) He is a wonderful Daddy. He always makes time to play with Mary Dalton & Jackson ~ he is setting MD's standards pretty high for a husband!
3.) He always tell me how pretty he thinks I am ~ greasy hair, hairy legs, 30 lbs heavier or lighter...he doesn't care. He REALLY thinks I am the prettiest woman in the whole. wide. world.
4.) He sets a goal and he attains it.
5.) He is a good provider. He works tirelessly to provide the best for me and the children.
6.) He says the SWEETEST prayers over our children....and me! I can wake him up in the middle of the night if something is wrong/someone is sick/something is bothering me and he can pray out loud...and it all seems better.
7.) He is not afraid to cry. He probably wishes I would not have said that, but I love that he trusts and loves me enough to tell me EVERYTHING. I know when he is hurting, upset, he feels let someone let him down or even HE let someone down. He is PRECIOUS!
8.) I love how he can ALWAYS make me laugh! This man is SOOOO much fun to live with! I never know what he will do next! He keeps us all laughing!!!
9.) He is SO kind. If someone needs something...big or small...he will do whatever he can to help. He seems so "big and gruff" at times, but he is truly one the kindest hearted people I know.
10.) He is a good friend. You can count on Dalton. End of story. If he says he is going to do something...consider it done.
11.)After 12 years, he still likes to "wine and dine" me ~ he plans dates and surprises for me and makes me feel very special!
12.) I love that he is not afraid to show affection to me in front of our children. I think that it is SO important for our children to know how much we love each other! So many of their friends have divorced parents and when questions arise, we ALWAYS remind them that we made a promise not only to each other, but to God, that we would be married until one of us went to heaven. I think that our childre feel safe and secure knowing that their parents are madly in love. I also love that he shows affection to our children...not only Mary Dalton but to Jackson. It is SO SO SO important that children have this affection from BOTH parents and I am thankful that Dalton kisses and hugs our children...and tells them how much he loves them and how proud he is of them!
The past 12 years have been the BEST by far in my life! I am beyond thankful for my precious husband and I look forward to celebrating LOTS more anniversaries with him!


Malinda said...

What a sweet, sweet post. Happy Anniversary.

Big D said...

Love you, hotness!!!!!

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