Friday, June 1, 2012

Special Day with My Boy!!!

Since Jackson was not able to stay at the coast and go to Nashville, I told him we would do ANYTHING he wanted to do today! Yikes! ANYTHING is a BIG word for me to agree to!
I threw out LOTS of options, but he wanted Chuck E Cheese! Chuck E Cheese is not that bad if you go early, so we left this a.m. and headed out for a day of fun!!

There were not a lot of people there and they were checking the machines...which means FREE TICKETS!!! He RACKED up! This nice man also gave him 50 free tickets! He had a great time and really liked picking out his prizes...cotton candy, trick gum, a puzzle, candy and a spinning top.
After CEC, we went to his other favorite ~ Tutti Fruitti ~
I let him TOTALLY eat dessert before lunch...he LOVED that idea!
After yogurt, we went to Chic Fila for lunch!

We came home and worked on downloading some new things to his ipod and worked on a BIG puzzle...not done yet!

It was a fun day and the best part was when he said,
"Mama, this is the best day ever!"

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