Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Nest is FULL Again!!!

Dalton & I had a great weekend at the cabin celebrating 12 years of marriage. Sunday afternoon, he met Sue-anna to get Mary Dalton and I took Jackson to a birthday party ~ These kids keep us BUSY!
This was our 1st week at home for summer! The weather has NOT been our friend!!! Rain, cool temps = no pool!!!! :( We have found lots of other things to keep us busy!!!
 The kids set up a paint shop under the garage and had the BEST time painting!!! They missed each other soooo much! They have been so sweet to each other this week!

I bought this end table at our school garage sale and Jackson helped me sand it was a whopping $8 so I thought I might paint it! He was a BIG help and did a great job!
 Poor Baby woke up Tuesday with the WORST migraine he has had yet! He has not had a "full" one ~ pain, vomitting, etc. since November...I forgot how AWFUL it is! This one lasted about 4 hours and when he woke up, he was 100%! He said he head was sore, but other than that...he was off playing! We also started Tuesday with boot camp on TYING!!! Neither one of my kids can tie so everyday we are practicing...they actually both "got it" yesterday, but we will keep practicing until it comes easy!
 Mary Dalton started dance last night and she was SO SO SO excited!!! She and some other girls got to move up and tap with the "big girls" so she was on cloud 9 about that! Mary Will came home with her after dance and we had a Dance Moms Party!!! We were pumped the new season started!!! We had fruit, chocolate pecans, chips, and mellow yellow = PARTY!!!! ;) We even set the boys up in the den with their own tray of treats...complete with camo plates!
 We were hoping to swim, but no luck there! This didn't stop Mary Dalton & Mary Will ~ they got their babies dressed and to the tree house they went!!!
 While they were gone, I helped Jackson with his "Glow in the Dark Science" kit ~ he has been BEGGING to do this and I finally broke down today! He was SO excited...and it was actually easy, not messy and fun!!!
 He is so precise in everything he does ~ he is really "into" science right now! He showed the girls his glow in the dark chalk, the glow stick he made and his glow in the dark slime!
 The girls wanted me to make menus (thanks chelsey! ;) ) and serve them lunch at the tree house...even though I had 100 things to do...they are only little I did it....
They were BEYOND thrilled!
 I walked down to the tree house and knocked on the door and gave them their menus...they circled what they wanted and returned them to me a while later...they had the best time playing at the tree house today!
 I made their lunches and delivered them...and even set them up like room service for them...they were TOO stinking cute!!! It was worth the extra time just to see their sweet little faces!!!
Tonight is mine and Dalton's WEEKLY ~ yes ~ WEEKLY date night and I can't wait!!

oh one funny ~
Dalton is running for Solicitor and Mary Dalton said,
"mama, when is Daddy's race? I can't wait to see him run!" ha!

Happy Wednesday!!! :)

1 comment:

Home of a Magnolia said...

I can't wait to see that race. I will be at the finish line cheering him on. I will even bring him a leopard print water bottle with his initials.

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