Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wrapping up June ~

thankfully the kids transitioned to being back home without any issues! I think that they were glad to be back in their routine!
 Tuesday, Chelsey took them (and Marti Ann) to augusta to Chuck E Cheese and to the movie...I stayed at home so I could unpack and work on laundry...being gone for a week gets you WAY behind!
 It was actually nice to have the house to myself and be able to get everything back in its place without any interruptions. I am NEVER home alone, really I can count on one hand the number of times I have been in this house by myself for any length of time ~ so I worked like CRAZY to get it all put away!
 Chelsey said that they had a great time and were all very sweet!!! :)
 Yep, it is summer which means the children dress themselves ~ Boots and shorts...a fashion trend Jackson loves!
 Mary Dalton has started dance practice for Nationals. She still LOVES it! She wants to stay longer and wants to go EVERY day!!! I am excited about Nationals ~ we always have fun with our "Dance Friends!"

We have spent a LOT of time in the pool trying to keep cool from the heat!!! They both still love to be in the water and are really getting good with their dives!
 Wednesday, we went to pick up the new fishing boat!!! Jackson was BEYOND excited!!! He loves to fish!!!
 Mary Dalton brought "Bitty" along for the trip!
 I am not sure what was going on here ~ but I BET this conversation was PRICELESS!!!!
 After we got the boat, we went to Bass Pro ~ the boys shopped there while I took the Priss to JUSTICE. Good Golly that child loves that store! She is into PJ's right now. She still will like a dress or shirt every now and then in there, but mostly it is just the junk and PJs she is into!
 While we were waiting on Dalton to pay for the boat, I looked over and saw this ~
 That is not our boat and he is tee-teeing IN the boat!!! When I said something to him he said,
"Mama, you know the world is my urinal! I mean I am outside and rain will wash it away!"
 Jackson had a blast unloading his "loot" from Bass Pro ~ he even talked his Daddy into buying him an ant farm....after I have said no 500 times!!!
 On Saturday, the kids and I went with Dalton to campaign. He is running for Solicitor in our county...and let me tell you....IT. WAS. SCORCHING. HOT. I was EVER so thankful when Marti Ann's mom offered to take the kids swimming so Dalton & I could finish knocking on doors!
 More of the same is on the calendar for this week ~
swimming, dance, campaigning, celebrating the 4th, BBQ, fireworks, and a fun day at the water park!
I can't believe it is already JULY!!! Summer is going to be over before we know it! 

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