Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back to School 2013!!!

Today was our first day back to school ~ I am SO thankful that our first day is always a half day! It helps ease you in to everything!!!
I had to post pics of my sweeties over the past 4 years...
K4 and K3 ~
K5 and K4  ~
1st grade and K5 ~ 
2nd grade and 1st grade...

2nd and 3rd grade....
we all had a great first day back....but we are all TIRED!!! 5 a.m. came WAY too early!!! (not to mention it's Shark Week and I feel like I HAVE to watch it ALL day!)

I am so so so thankful for our school! My children love it and their teachers love them! I am with them and can see and experience so many things with them that many parents/teachers cannot. 
They were both excited to see their friends ~ ~ ~ many of their friends weren't at school yet! I had to take pics early so I could get to my classroom! 
After school, we met Dalton for lunch and are now home resting and getting ready for the rest of our week!!!

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